This is me

This is me
young and free spirit trying to live the life that i want Simple and Happy!

Friday, March 20, 2020

First vacation of 2017

Memories of my first ever vacation as O.F.W

As a First timer O.F.W and first timer to go on a vacation it is one of the most highly anticipated event of your life were you get to see again your motherland and see your family and friends after a long year you have been away with them. Here is were you have your necessities Philippine Passport, Plane ticket of course it should have to be a round trip ticket, mobile for documentation, neck pillow in case you might fall asleep inside the plane, Jacket in case you get cold and feel cold inside the plane.

My eyes were a little dizzy and would want to fall asleep I got my personal Bag on my lap with all my necessities its my security comfort event though you can put it on the overhead bin.  I refrain from drinking any caffeinated drinks the whole day so I can have a good rest when I am at the plane.

Yes I was on board and the flight would took e around 8.5 to 9 hours of direct flight KWT to MNL yes since I have nothing to do inside the plane so it would be better to recharge my body by sleeping the whole flight if I can I would only have some break if foods is ready to be served by the way the flight I took is from the KUWAIT AIR direct flight even though its a little bit costly because its a direct flight and from the airline itself it is really costly but i don't like the hassle of connecting flights and transferring from one plane to another to another terminal and checking in of some of your luggage yes I would rather call it my relax time in the air.

Yes I was in the Philippine soil and little bit jet lagged and dizzy but I am to some of the activities in store for me i don't have an itinerary to follow cause I don't want to put any pressure on me or maybe just a simple meet and greet lol.

Here with my sister and nieces and nephew strolling around Antipolo City it has little pour of rain that day and as they say there's always a RAINBOW after the rain so to my surprise I was able to capture it feeling that my journey back to my motherland was full of excitement and fun and I hope to enjoy my stay.

First things first I had a chance to pay for a visit in one of the beautiful church in my town Parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Antipolo City Rizal the church is near the Hinulugang Taktak road it is not hard to find you can ask for the local for directions they will be more happy to guide you and provide you the right directions but if your travelling by tricycles they will most likely to charge you a little bit higher cause as they say the area is mostly visited and roads are small. Better plan ahead your trip so that you will never get to be in the hustle since your ultimate goal was to enjoy.

My sister asked to pose for this poster tarpaulin on the mall that is newly opened and the captions says "All about you!" well it let me think really? what it is really that is all about me! lol and among the picture posted i make this as an insert since it doesn't belong to the captions and title of the content well I always believe ladies and gentlemen that I am a work in progress and everyday I learned I am not perfect and I will never be but one thing I am sure I metamorphosed.  All about me is what you see and what you get but please do not disclosed anything based only on what you see All about me is HEART, All about me is PASSION, All about me is BELIEVER and that will be all and I thank you.   

click the link in my vacation of 2018 : cebu vacation 2018

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